Inclement Weather Days
ATTENTION: The Central Dauphin School District was approved for FID in the 2023-24 school year. The program approval is good for 3 years.
The Central Dauphin School District will be taking advantage of our Flexible Instructional Day program as outlined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for inclement weather days. Please note that the district can only use up to five FID days for the 2023-2024 school year. Also, please note that not every inclement weather day may be used as a FID day. In other words, we may still cancel school days during inclement weather and we would need to make those days up on the school calendar.
Student participation is required for a successful inclement weather FID day. By continuing education during these weather emergencies, it will allow us to preserve our vacation days as scheduled while keeping instruction moving forward. Please pay close attention to announcements during inclement weather for instructions on how the day will be conducted.
Flexible Instructional Day Program FAQs
- What is the Flexible Instructional Day program?
- Will every snow day, or other weather emergency day, be used for remote learning?
- How will families find out when a remote learning day is being instituted?
- How will instruction occur during a remote learning day?
- What will instruction look like during a weather emergency day?
- What if students are unable to attend live lessons during a weather emergency due to power outages or other extenuating circumstances?
What is the Flexible Instructional Day program?
Will every snow day, or other weather emergency day, be used for remote learning?
How will families find out when a remote learning day is being instituted?
How will instruction occur during a remote learning day?
What will instruction look like during a weather emergency day?
What if students are unable to attend live lessons during a weather emergency due to power outages or other extenuating circumstances?
In the event of an early dismissal, or if schools are closed due to inclement weather, or any other emergency, it is the normal procedure to cancel all evening activities. There may occasionally be an exception to this rule at which time a message will be posted on the district website, however, it is safe to assume that after-school activities will be canceled.
Should there be an occasion when weather or some other emergency necessitates a delayed opening of school, Global Connect will be activated and the following procedures will be used:
No lunches will be served to kindergarten students. Please do not call the school office or the Transportation Center.
Notice of a delayed school opening will be announced over local radio and television stations (see "Public Announcements" section) and posted on the district's website homepage.
The announcement that “the opening of Central Dauphin School District will be delayed one (1) hour” indicates that the school staff and all pupils (both transported and walkers) are to arrive at school one (1) hour later than the usual time. On such a day, afternoon dismissal will occur at the regular time.
Same for two (2) hours.
In the event of a two (2)-hour delay, the following Modified Kindergarten Schedule will be in effect:
AM Kindergarten - Arrive 10:45-11 A.M., Dismissed 12:45 P.M.
PM Kindergarten - Arrive 1:45-2 P.M., Dismissed 3:45 P.M.
Should there be an occasion when weather or some other emergency necessitates an early dismissal from school, Global Connect will be activated and the following guidelines will be followed:
Notice of an early dismissal from school will be announced over local radio and television stations (see "Public Announcements" section) and posted on the district's website homepage.
The announcements that "the Central Dauphin School District will have a one (1)-hour early dismissal" indicates that your child's dismissal will be one (1) hour earlier than normal, and that he/she could be arriving home one (1) hour early. The actual time of arrival may vary due to weather conditions.
"Bus riders" will be taken to their regular designated bus stops.
If parents or guardians are not at home at the time of an early dismissal, they are responsible to make provisions for the care of their children with friends or neighbors.
Latchkey programs do not operate in the event of an early dismissal.
Public announcements of school closings, delayed school openings or early school dismissals will be made over the following stations. Television: WHP 21, UPN 15. AM Radio: WHP 580. FM Radio: BOB 94.9, KISS 99.3, WRVV 97.3. Announcements also will be made using the district's notification system and posted on the district's website homepage.
Should there be an occasion when weather or some other emergency necessitates a school closing, the district's notification system will be activated and the guidelines below will be followed:
Notice of a school closing will be announced over local radio and television stations and posted on the district's website homepage.
It is important in an emergency situation to keep telephone lines open. Please do not call the school office, homes of school officials or the Transportation Center.