Tier Intervention System
Steps in the Problem Solving Process
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
MTSS is a formalized statewide effort to promote school- wide practices that ensure the highest possible success for all children. In the past you may have heard this referred to as Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII). The MTSS framework helps schools take a positive and proactive approach to educating each and every child. It also encourages schools to provide early intervention services to help meet any academic, social-emotional, and/or behavioral needs early.
The problem-solving process is structured to identify students who struggle with learning, behavior and attendance, as well as students who excel beyond their current grade level. It looks at how students respond to changes in how they are taught in their classroom or school.
School-based problem-solving teams, which may include administrators, teachers, and support staff, meet to talk about possible reasons for learning, behavior and/or attendance needs. The team implements intervention plans for students and progress is monitored using progress monitoring instruments. These assessments help school teams identify how much support students may need based on data.
The MTSS Process Addresses Students’ Needs with Three Tiers of Support…
Core Classroom Instruction (Tier 1)
In Tier I (Benchmark), all students receive high-quality, research based instruction in the core curriculum to meet their needs in the general education classroom. Universal screenings identify students who are not achieving as expected, or exceeding expectations, and require additional support within the core curriculum.
Supplemental Support (Tier 2)
In Tier 2 (Strategic), students not making adequate progress in the core curriculum are provided small-group, supplemental instruction in addition to the time allotted for core instruction. Tier 2 includes instruction, strategies, and programs designed to supplement, enhance and support the core curriculum. Teachers monitor student progress frequently using multiple assessments, curriculum- based measurement, running records, fluency and behavioral data.
Intensive Support (Tier 3)
In Tier 3 (Intensive), students receive intensive, targeted, research-based instruction in a very small group or individually. Tier 3 instruction is specifically designed and customized to meet the student’s needs. This instruction, which targets the student’s skill needs, is extended beyond the time for Tier I and Tier 2 instruction. Progress is monitored even more frequently than in Tier 2 to determine the impact of the intervention on the student’s learning.
What is the Role of the Parent?
Parents should participate in problem-solving discussions with their child’s teacher about their child’s specific strengths and areas of need. If your child is participating in a Supplemental (Tier 2) or Intensive-level (Tier 3) intervention, ask school staff what academic, social- emotional or behavioral area is being addressed and how your child’s progress is being monitored. Most importantly, parents should ask what they can do to be a part of the solution.
Parents should also ask when the school will update them on the results of the intervention. When possible, parents should make suggestions about strategies based on what they know works at home.
Finally, parents should praise their children for any improvement in the area of need and continue to communicate with school staff to ensure progress is maintained.