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Census Information

According to the Pennsylvania School Code, every school district in the state is required to conduct an annual census. If you are new to Central Dauphin School District, have moved within the District or the persons residing at your residence has changed, please take a few minutes to complete the information at the following link:

Census Form

Make sure all persons residing in the household are listed. This includes anyone using this address as his/her legal residence, members of the Armed Services and students away at college. Enter only the last four digits of the social security numbers. 

The information you provide on this form is invaluable to the school district in planning for the educational needs of our community. Your timely response is greatly appreciated.

When all information is completed, sign, date and return to or to:

Central Dauphin School District
Business Office – Census
600 Rutherford Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17109

Should you require assistance completing this form, please contact the Administration Building at (717)545-4703, extension 70214.