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Performance Standards

The Board of School Directors is required to post the mutually agreed to objective performance standards contained in the assistant superintendent's contract on the school district's publicly accessible internet website.

Upon completion of the annual performance assessment, the board of school directors is required to post the date of the assessment and whether or not the district assistant superintendent has met the agreed to objective performance standards on the school district's publicly accessible internet website.

Posted below are the performance standards for Dr. Willis' contract for 2020-25 school year.

The Central Dauphin Board of School Directors announces that Dr. Erika Willis has met all of the Assistant Superintendent's Performance Standards for the previous school year set forth by the Board.
  1. The District Comprehensive Plan, including Student Wellness, Achievement and Academic Success

Objective Performance Standard:  The Assistant Superintendent will work with the executive staff, building administrators, supervisors, and teachers to provide logistical support and resources toward district goals in the Comprehensive Plan that includes:

  1. Establishing a system to promote social emotional learning throughout the district.
  2. Establishing reciprocal relationships among students, families, school staff and the community in order to increase student achievement.
  3. Establishing a district system that fully ensures professional development is focused, comprehensive and implemented with fidelity.


  1. Student Achievement and Digital Learning in the 21st Century

Objective Performance Standard:   The Assistant Superintendent will incorporate 21st Century instructional learning strategies throughout the school district, including, but not limited to:

  1. Establishing and refining blended learning courses
  2. Supporting continued growth of the Digital Cohort


  1. District Operations and Financial Management

Objective Performance Standard:  The Assistant Superintendent will work with the executive staff to prepare, monitor, and present a balanced budget while directing maximum possible resources toward ongoing enhancements to the academic programs of the district, including those of the Comprehensive Plan.

  1. Communication

Objective Performance Standard:  The Assistant Superintendent will periodically update the Board on matters related to the operation of the District as reflected in Section 4(a) of this Agreement and consistent with the provisions of the School Code.