Staff Device Protection
2024-2025 Staff Device Protection Plan
The District is offering a Device Protection Plan (DPP) to provide staff the opportunity to purchase coverage for accidental damage to their assigned devices.
The enrollment period for purchasing DPP for District-issued devices is from August 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024. The coverage period is from the date of purchase through June 30, 2025. The fee schedule is as follows:
Chromebooks - $25
Laptops - $40
Schoolcafe will be used for DPP Online Payment. A $2.95 processing fee will be charged in addition to the fee noted above. Schoolcafe is accessed using this link:
The DPP will cover:
Parts replacement (screen, keyboard, system board, etc.) for accidental damage
Device replacement if device cannot be repaired or if the cost of device parts exceeds the book value of the device
Device parts under warranty
Device defective parts
Device parts determined to need replacement due to normal wear and tear
Device labor repair costs
Up to two incidents per year of accidental damage.
The DPP will not cover:
Lost, stolen, or damaged chargers
Lost or stolen devices
Fire or water-damaged devices without proof of insurance claim submission or other legal document of the incident
Malicious damage to devices
Device damage done prior to the date of DPP purchase
- Online Payments: Schoolcafe, How to Create a Staff Account
- How to Access the Campus Store on a Staff Account
- Mid-Period Coverage
- Chargeback Policy for Non-DPP Enrolled Devices