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District WiFi Access

Wi-Fi access is available in all district buildings for staff and students.

**You will require admin rights on personal devices to connect to the district network**

How to Connect
  1. Connect to CDSD WiFi
  2. If your web browser does not automatically open, Open a Web Browser and  Navigate to You will see a welcome to the Central Dauphin School District Network Page.
    1. Click the start button
    2. If you are a staff  or student click CDSD User Login
    3. If you are a guest, Click Guest and Visitors
    4. You will the be presented different options depending on the type of device you are trying to connect.  Follow the instructions presented to you on your device.
What I need to do?
  • Ensure your Microsoft Windows automatic updates are enabled and that you have an updated antivirus application installed.
To turn on Microsoft Windows Automatic Update:
  1. Open the Security Center control panel (Start --> Control Panels --> Security Center).
  2. Click on "Automatic Updates."
  3. Ensure "Automatic" is selected.
  4. Click the OK button to save the settings.


If you have remaining questions after reviewing this information, contact the Service Desk at (717)346-9452 or internally at ext. 70452

Please give them as much information as possible and be sure to include your name, a valid contact number, your email address, and as detailed of a description of the problem as possible.