Policy & Procedures
Access to Central Dauphin School District's technology resources is a privilege granted solely to authorized individuals including administration, teachers, staff, students, and those with special accounts. Users must act responsibly and maintain the integrity of these resources. The District reserves the right to limit, restrict, or extend computing privileges and access. Violations may result in suspension of computer privileges and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion. Any breaches of computer laws or policies should be reported to IT Services for investigation.
Under Pennsylvania law, it is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $15,000 and imprisonment up to seven years for any person to access, alter or damage any computer system, network, software or database, or any part thereof, with the intent to interrupt the normal functioning of an organization (18 Pa.Sub Chapter B. 7611(a)(1)). Disclosing a password to a computer system, network, etc., knowingly and without authorization, is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment of up to five years, as is intentional and unauthorized access to a computer, interference with the operation of a computer or network, or alteration of computer software (18 PaSub Chapter B. 7611(a)(2 and 3)).
See PA Title 18 - Subchapter B - Hacking and similar offenses, for more information.
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