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Harrisburg Area Community College

Central Dauphin School District is a sponsoring district of the Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC), a two (2)-year community college located in Harrisburg.  Residency Requirements For HACC/Paid Tuition:

A Certificate of Residency application may be obtained at District Administration Building at 600 Rutherford Road, Harrisburg, PA, or may be completed online at

  • There is no waiting period to qualify for District tuition benefits for persons moving here from another sponsoring district in Perry, Dauphin, and Cumberland Counties, provided they have met that district’s residency requirements.
  • Each sponsoring district will be responsible for subsidizing eligible persons residing in that district on July 1. A person moving from one sponsoring district to another after July 1 will remain the responsibility of the original district for that fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Persons who move into the Central Dauphin School District from a non-sponsoring district must reside here for a period of six (6) months prior to enrollment at HACC and must be a U.S. citizen to qualify for the local sponsoring district tuition rate.
  • A certificate of residency will be valid only during the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in which they are issued. There will be no retroactive certification after the close of any semester.
  • Persons liable for and delinquent in payment of eligible taxes shall not be eligible for a certificate of residency.
  • To be eligible, a person’s high school class must be graduated or the person granted early admission in accordance with the District’s early admission policy.