Dress Code
Students should take pride in their education and arrive to school dressed appropriately and prepared to learn. Appropriate dress is that which is not offensive or does not present a safety hazard or disruption to the learning environment. Clothing which advertises or promotes the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, sexual innuendos, weapons, or violence is not permitted.
Dress Code Flyer Information
All other types of head coverings such as athletic sweatbands, visors, bandanas, etc. are NOT permitted.
Spaghetti straps, halter tops, strapless shirts, camisoles, tank tops, muscle shirts, bare midriff, halter or tank type shirts are NOT permitted. Shirts must cover cleavage, the back, and torso.
Clothing with holes that expose skin above mid-thigh is NOT permitted.
The length of shorts, skirts or dresses, may NOT be excessively short and MUST extend to mid-thigh.
Pajamas (tops and/or bottoms) are NOT permitted.
Sagging pants or see-through garments that expose undergarments are NOT permitted.
Footwear with wheels or slippers is NOT permitted.
Students in violation of the dress code will be immediately required to change to appropriate attire. Repeated violations of the dress code and defiance of administrative directives will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct.