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Communicable Diseases

The policy for recommended length of absence for specific diseases and infectious conditions is as follows:

  1. Acute contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye): Twenty-four (24) hours from institution of appropriate therapy.
  2. Chickenpox: Six (6) days from the last crop of vesicles.
  3. COVID-19: At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery, defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and, at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. There is also a 14 day quarantine period for anyone living with someone who tests positive or has a significant positive exposure.
  4. Impetigo: Until judged noninfective by the nurse in school, or by child’s physician.
  5. Measles: Four (4) days from the onset of rash.
  6. Mumps: Nine (9) days from the onset or until subsidence of swelling.
  7. Pediculosis capitis: Until judged noninfective and nit free by the nurse in school, or by a child’s physician.
  8. Pediculosis corpora: Until judged noninfective by the nurse in school, or by child’s physician.
  9. Respiratory streptococcal infections, including scarlet fever: Not less then seven (7) days from the onset if no physician is in attendance or twenty-four (24) hours from institution of appropriate therapy.
  10. Ringworm (all types): Until judged noninfective by the nurse in school, or child’s physician.
  11. Rubella (German measles): Four (4) days from the onset of rash.
  12. Scabies: Until judged noninfective by the nurse in school, or by child’s physician.
  13. Tonsillitis: Twenty-four (24) hours from institution of appropriate therapy.

Written excuses by parents are acceptable following uncomplicated childhood illnesses. A doctor’s excuse will be required in unusual cases.

Children showing symptoms of a communicable disease or condition transmissible to others (red eyes, unusual skin eruptions, head lice, etc.) are not permitted to attend school and will be excluded. No child shall be readmitted until the nurse in the school is satisfied that the condition for which he/she was excluded is not communicable or until the child presents a physician’s certificate of recovery or noninfectiousness.