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Alternative Programs

Central Dauphin School District offers a continuum of alternative programming to meet the diverse needs its students. Often the typical secondary school environment can be overwhelming and foster conflict and confusion for students who have not yet developed the emotional and social skills to function within a more complex general education environment.

Incarcerated/Adjudicated Youth:

Dauphin County Prison

Central Dauphin School District provides educational programs to male and female youth incarcerated as adults in Dauphin County Prison. A complete high school program leading to a high school diploma is offered to regular and special education students. Vocational and independent living skills are provided in cooperation with Dauphin County Prison Education Programs. This is an approved alternative education program from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. All staff are highly qualified within their respective core academic subjects.

Dauphin County Adult Probation Work Release Center

Central Dauphin School District provides educational programs to male and female youth incarcerated as adults in Dauphin County Adult Probation Work Release Center. A complete high school program leading to a high school diploma is offered to regular and special education students. Vocational and independent living skills are provided in cooperation with Dauphin County Prison Education Programs. This is an approved alternative education program from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. All staff are highly qualified within their respective core academic subjects.

Schaffner Youth Center

The Central Dauphin School District provides the education program for students housed in the center. The education program is an approved alternative education program from the Pennsylvania State Department of Education. The education staff is compromised of five regular education teachers, one certified special education teacher and three instructional support paraprofessionals. A certified librarian, guidance counselor, school psychologist are available when required.

Special Education Alternative Education Programs:


The Central Dauphin School District has alternative education programs designed to meet the needs of teenaged boys, in grades 9-12. The students that participate in the District’s Special Alternative Interactive Learning (S.A.I.L.), program require a more hands on curriculum than that provided in the Emotional Support Programs in the secondary schools. The alternative program is housed in a setting away from secondary schools and stress the components of an Adventure Based program within the framework of a functional academic setting for the students. Each program is supported by a mental health therapist, functional behavioral specialist, child adolescent psychologist, schools psychologist, district social workers, and supervisor of special education.

Central Dauphin School District is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, ancestry and/or physical handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VII, Title IX and Section 504.